Definition -- Creeping Commitment
The creeping commitment approach to systems development is a method of developing a system where feasibility and risk is continuously revaluated at different points throughout the development process.
10 fundamental principles of sys dev
The 10 fundamental principles of systems development are...
drum roll please... ... ... ... ...
- Get the system users involved.
- Use a problem solving approach.
- Establish phases and activities.
- Document throughout development.
- Establish standards.
- Manage the process and projects.
- Justify information systems as capital investments.
- Don't be afraid to cancel or revise scope.
- Divide and conquer.
- Design systems for growth and change.
Definition -- Prototyping
Prototyping is quickly putting together a working, but unfinished, model of an information system in order to demonstrate an aspect or aspects of the intended systems behavior.
5 is better
I'm not a fan of the number 4. I much prefer 3, or 5. Let's bump this one up to 5.
Definition -- Cross Functional System
Cross Functional Information Systems are information systems that support a variety of different processes and functions within an organization. These systems integrate information from different parts of the organization, and are therefore not limited by organizational boundaries like divisions, centers, and offices.
Definition -- DBMS
Database Management System (DBMS)
Software that controls the organization, storage, retrieval, security and integrity* of data in a data base.
*Think of integrity like validity. Say there's database with information about products. If the 2 different products were entered into the system with the same name and id number the integrity of that information would be compromised.
Definition -- Info Sys Architecture
I'm not too confident on the meaning of this term. The text says:
A unifying framework into which various stakeholders with different perspecives can organize and view the fundamental building blocks of information systems.
What does that really mean?
unifying-- Bringing people and ideas together?
framework-- Uh, a structure in which to build something.?
stakeholders-- Different people who have interest in the system.
perspectives-- Points of view.
fundamental-- Basic elements.
building blocks-- Materials used to build.
information systems-- Systems made up of information.
So is it...
A structure or model used to help bring all of the people from every perspective involved to the same page (a similar undersganding) so that they can organize and see the resources that they share in the making of information systems?
Does that make sence? Is it clumsy and in need of a makeover, or does it not even have the same meaning as the original definition.